Vandring langs gamle vassvegar

Søndag 3. juli arrangerer historielaget tur til Horrongen for å sjå korleis vatningsvatn frå Raudbekken på Dalsida vart overført til Kyrkjebygda. Tur-retur er turen omlag 10-12 km, og høgdeforskjellen er ca. 700 m. Turen går i roleg tempo, og vi reknar med å bruke heile dagen. Kjentmenn er Arve og Jorunn Einbu.

Frammøte ved Kolstadteigen kl. 09.00. Vi er avhengige av godt ver på turen, så i tilfelle dårleg ver blir turen avlyst. Turen er open for alle interesserte!

2 kommentarar to “Vandring langs gamle vassvegar”

  1. Celina sa:

    «My point has never been that IQ is the end-all and be-all. Instead, I’ve merely argued that IQ is an unperexdloited tool for making better public policy.»I don’t think we’re at odds on the issue of IQ but we do approach it from opposite perspectives. So much is anchored to how well students do on IQ/Achievement tests. Schools get funding and awards based on how smart their students are rather than how many of them are gainfully employed at a decent living wage after graduation. Until this changes, people who don’t perform well on intelligence tests are going to resent them and want to nullify them.

  2. , «I don’t know. Shoot me with it first, then I’ll tell you if you can shoot them.» So I turned around so I wouldn’t take it in the face or something. The little rat aimed at my back, then got a better idea and aimed at my calf below my shorts.Big red welt.»No. You can’t shoot your sisters. Now hand me that thing and run.»

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